NUFORC Sighting 5411

Occurred: 1998-11-24 21:00 Local
Reported: 1999-01-25 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Ashland, OH, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Witnessed an immense, triangular object moving from North to South at a rate of speed never before seen while star-gazing.

While standing in a friend's backyard star-gazing, we noticed an object moving across the sky from North to South about 50x faster than an aircraft flying well above the cloud layer. The object was immense, perhaps 2 inches from point to point, from where we stood. No sound. No explanation that fits any aircraft, satellite, or meteor that we have seen on multiple occasions. Our first sighting of something we could not explain after many years of star-gazing. We are both teachers, well-respected members of the community, and have a hard time trying to explain this one to others. The shape remained unchanged as it shot across the sky, only to disappear silently. Our only difference of opinion was whether the lights on each point were blue or white. Since my friend is better at picking out colors of stars, I have to submit to his sighting of blue lights on the points. Just plain bizarre. Can't explain it better than how we saw it. I probably wouldn't have posted it here, since I didn't know this site even existed, until my friend e-mailed me the similar sighting in Ohio on the same night.

Posted 1999-02-16

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