NUFORC Sighting 45580

Occurred: 2005-08-11 23:30 Local
Reported: 2005-08-11 22:49 Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Homestead, FL, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

We went out to see the meteor shower tonight. We figured the best place, away from the Kendall area (and bright city lights) was Homestead. We headed down Krome Avenue towards Homestead, but didn't go down that far. We pulled over on a side street and saw a few meteors. The sky was cloudy so we waited while the moon faded. Then my friend mentioned that she was watching a strange shape between the clouds and that it was flying in a strange manner. I told her it must be a plane. Then my other friend said she was looking at it too. When the clouds dissipated, I saw it. It was coming in closer and then would go backwards. It would then fade. When it got closer, I saw green and red lights and mentioned it out loud. My friend said she saw the same lights.

We noticed two more smaller objects at a farther distance doing the same thing - flying from center to left, to right, and around in a circluar pattern. I have never seen anything like this and was wondering if anyone saw the same thing tonight.

Posted 2005-09-02

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