NUFORC Sighting 42346

Occurred: 2002-05-05 13:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2005-02-25 07:55 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 0

Location: Orlando, FL, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

A genuine craft not of manmade origin unless holograhic.

As result of Jenning's derisions as to the improbability of actual alien craft operating on this planet, will share the following, which I reported to NASA and the Police, back when I saw it.

I was driving a tractor/trailer, (Automobole Transporter), southbound on I-4,south of downtown Orlando. As I came to an overpass, I saw at the extreme East side of the overpass a UFO, that had apparently moments before lifted off the ground, because it was very low and moving slowly. I got on the radio and said, "Does anybody see that?," and there was no reply. I worked it out in my mind as to what it could be other than what it appeared to be, and there was nothing of manmade origin that it could be other than some kind of holographic projection from an aircraft or satellite.

It appeared to me to be approximately 35FT in diameter. And it was not shiny, nor illuminating light. In fact it was the exact opposite of the typical UFO story, the craft was a color of beige, brownish red. It was sporting and shotrt strut like antenae, that had about a 80 degree bend at the elbow.

Also, the harder I looked at it the harder it was to see it in crystal clear clarity, it was as if there was some kind of energy field around it. There existed a certain blurr to it, though not to the point of obscuring it. Again, this is in broad day light and it is at low altitude. The craft actually passed over me, movong from my left to my right.

I exited off at the next exit and saw it still. It was moving along I-4 toward Orlando. There were condo units that it was moving toward. The whole thing was unbeliveable because it moved low and slow, (i.e., 50 mph?). It move higher than when I first saw it, which is why it appeared to me to have just lifted off. The area where it would have lifted off from is woody.

I have no strange tales of alien abduction to share, nor seeing at little green men. I saw what I saw, and it was real, not imagination, and not man made. Remarkably, I attempted to write it off as anything but what it was.

Barring a holograhic projection, it was an alien craft of unknown origin. The antenae was the same color as the rest of the craft. It was by trying to see the see the detail of the antenae, that was on the side of the upper part of it, that I first decerned that it possessed a blurr to it, as if it emanted an energy feild of some sort. and it was just enough blurr to obscure 100 percent visual acuity.

The color was odd to me for is contrary to typical UFO sightings? Was it camouflage? It's color closely resembled typical Florida roofs and ground terrain.

Not much is it? But it is what I saw. No big deal. What I found interesting in retrospect is that it apparently did not give two bits for our interdiction capabilities, it was was low, slow, and in your face. Always thought if I ever saw a UFO it would be at night, never did I ever believe that I would see one like I did, in broad daylight near a major city.

35 ft. diameter does seem conducive to what we know of the requirements for interstellar flight, so where does it come from? To me, in truth, man is technologically speaking, retarded. What we think is laughable. For here is a craft that defies the intellect of our monkey scientists, who would say it does not exist because our understanding prevents it's existence.

Apparently, the occupants of the the craft I saw possess a different viewpoint. Most scientists are waking talking boobs that are indoctrinated in schools of learning from our masters, and therefore possess no independent thought. They are unable to think beyond the confines of what they were rotely taught, and as such - a typical scientist is a boob.

So spare telling me what I saw was impossible because it defies are science?????? And then these self appointed scientist rubes will say because it defies our monkey science then it must have been imagined? There is a lot of truth to the original, "Planet of the Apes."

Peter Jenning's is one of the temple apes apparently. By the way, shortly thereafter I purchased a camera phone.


Witness indicates that date of sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2005-05-24

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