NUFORC Sighting 40767

Occurred: 1997-10-01 00:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2004-11-25 06:30 Pacific
Duration: 10 Minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Bemidji, MN, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams

In october 1997 my dad and I seen 3 lights in the shape of a triangle tumbling over each other in Bemidji Minnesota.

My dad and I were heading up north to go hunting. We were just outside city limits of Bemidji Minnesota traveling north on Hwy 89. We noticed a weird set of lights over a field, but since we only make it up that way about twice a year, we figured it may be a new radio tower or some form of tower that had been errected since we last passed through. As we got closer to where the "tower" should have been our conversation changed from "hunting" to what that could be in the sky. we came to a point where we were directly across from it. It was a clear night and there was no structure reaching to the sky, just 3 lights hovering above the ground. The lights were in the form of a triangle, and were all white. The reminded me of club lights, because they were tumbling. They never left the shape of a triangle, but they were tumbling, as if spinning from top to bottom. Like if you were to take a popcan and make it tumble top to bottom, from end to end. What was really cool about that is that when the lights would tumble they were as if there was a... that's it, a better description would be a light house. There would be a beam of light that would shine out and then it would be more soft, then beam of light. It's been a while I can't recall if they all tumbled in unisyn, or if they tumbled independent of each other. The craft itself you could not see, but you could see that there were 3 distinct points on it. It was like a triangle, or a flying pryamid. We had pulled over to the side of the road, and watched this thing for about 10 minutes. Two cars passed us by and we waved to them and pointed to the sky in the direction of the object. The cars hit their break lights as they passed, but continued on their way. After 10 minutes the object slowly started to move to the south, then in a blink of an eye it was like a distant star. It just took off. It was amazing.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2004-12-03

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