NUFORC Sighting 39742

Occurred: 2004-10-05 20:10 Local
Reported: 2004-10-12 12:47 Pacific
Duration: 10-12 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Tarpon Springs, FL, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail

A totally mysterious solid "puff" of dim light traveled across the sky.

It was dark outside and I was sitting in my window-tinted car. I saw something move steadily across my window glass and then I rolled my window. At first I thought I saw a plane flying through a cloud. It looked like a light source was illuminating the inside and outside of a cloud.

It had a slight double trail of light. The shape (of the light) and color never changed which made me confused. It was moving across the horizon much faster than any plane. It was declining in elevation steadily as it moved across the sky. In about ten seconds it went from the top of my field of view to behind a bright streetlamp. The object wasn't very bright and the light from the streetlamp made me lose focus of the object. That's it.

So here's the summery. A solid "puff" of dim light traveled across the sky. I never have seen an object like it or anything that moves like it.

I don't believe in flying saucers from outer space but I have no idea what I saw. To me a UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object and that's what I saw.

POSTSCRIPT: I was looking into the East. The object moved from North East to South East. It declined about 20 degrees throughout my sighting.

Posted 2004-10-27

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