NUFORC Sighting 3952

Occurred: 1998-08-22 23:05 Local
Reported: 1998-09-24 00:00 Pacific
Duration: app. 30 sec.
No of observers: 2

Location: Xenia (app.10 Mi. E of Dayton), OH, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

Standing in backyard with girlfriend. Saw yellow-orange dull glowing light traveling SE to NW at fantastic speed. Blinked out of view!!!

My gf and I were at my grandmother's house(backyard)in Xenia Oh.I was looking up at the Big Dipper which was clear in the sky to the W/NW.Shortly after I looked straight up from my position and noticed a small (app.BB sized at an arm's length between finger and thumb)ylw-orng glowing light traveling in a straight line roughly toward WPAFB which is NW of the house app 8-10 mi.My first though was that it was a cargo jet. Have lived near base all my life and have noticed most flights into base in evening are C-130 and C-5's and they begin descent shortly after flying over the house.Obj maintained trajectory, covered app. 8-10 mi. In 30 sec. before blinking out completely! Sky was clear.

Posted 2002-02-22

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