NUFORC Sighting 380

Occurred: 1995-03-28 00:36 Local
Reported: 1995-03-28 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 min

Location: Cordova, AK, USA


A public employee calls NUFORC to report a very dramatic sighting in the outskirts of Cordova, AK.

The person was driving in the vicinity of the Cordova Airport, when the witness reports observing a "clump of fog" jumping across the roadway in front of the car. The witness's attention is immediately drawn to the event, although concludes that it must just have been fog being swept over the roadway.

A few seconds later, witness sees the same event, but the "object" is now closer, and more visible. The circling event occurs a total of six times, and is concluded when a strange looking object is hovering over the right-front fender of the witness's car.

The witness proceeds to drive many more miles toward the town of Cordova, when the witness becomes aware of two large, disc-shaped objects sitting in a meadow beside the roadway.

The witness calls the next morning, and is quite emotionally upset by the experience. Reports that the event was quite dramatic.

Posted 1999-11-02

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