NUFORC Sighting 36038

Occurred: 2004-04-06 12:00 Local
Reported: 2004-04-07 09:07 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Fair Oaks, CA, USA

Shape: Other

low flying aircraft light blue in color was there and then gone

I was driving back to work after lunch and my fiance was in the car with me. We were getting ready to cross the Sunrise Bridge over the American River when I noticed a low flying airplane, light blue in color, almost like the sky. I pointed it out to my fiance but it was gone before he could catch a glimpse of it. I was expecting a big crash due to how low it was flying but it was there, and then gone. We looked in the sky all over for it. I thought I was going crazy and then did a research online about sightings of the same thing. I know I'm not insane.

Posted 2004-04-09

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