NUFORC Sighting 30589

Occurred: 2003-08-02 12:15 Local
Reported: 2003-08-08 22:59 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 0

Location: Magnolia, WA, USA

Shape: Other

I observed four white circles that appeared to be connected in a circular formation at a very high altitude.

My family and I were at the Magnolia parade near Queen Anne Hill and I looked straight up and observed what at first appeared to be a white weather balloon at a very high altitude. I had my compact 10 X 30 binoculars and spotted four separate white circles attached in a circlular formation. I estimate their altitude to be about thirty to forty thousand feet. They were clearly above the cloud layer that looked to be at least twenty to twenty five thousand feet. What struck me as odd was the appearance that they remained fixed in the same location for the five minutes I observed them. I periodically looked at them without the binoculars and they remained straight over my head. I also observed either an orange glow off of one circles's side or reflection of the sunlight. I was wondering why the jet stream and winds at that altitude was not pushing them away from our location. Maybe these were just some very large weather baloons at a very high altitude. After about five minutes the cloud layer moved underneith their location and obstructed our view.

Posted 2003-08-28

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