NUFORC Sighting 3038

Occurred: 1965-06-01 21:00 Local
Reported: 1998-01-21 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5-10 min
No of observers: 4

Location: San Lorenzo, CA, USA

Shape: Light

Summary : Two objects rendevous at the moon.

Just a fifteen year old stargazer. I was on my deck watching the moon which was in a straight up southerly direction when a star like light approached the moon from the south and stopped beside it on the southeast side it was a full moon. I was so excited I got my mother and next door neighbors to come out and view it. While they were looking at it I decided to go through the apartment to see if anything else was coming and sure enough it was another star like light from the north. The second light approached the moon and stopped beside it on the west side. The two lights stayed by the moon for at least five minutes and then de- parted in their north, south routes. These objects were brighter than the satelites I've seen and moved at an even steady pace. A police report/newspaper article was filed.

Posted 1998-03-07

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