NUFORC Sighting 2988

Occurred: 1997-12-15 23:35 Local
Reported: 1997-12-25 00:00 Pacific
Duration: approx. 3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Marlette, MI, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Summary : A large solid noiseless object, possibly round, with four lights, passed slowly over a residential neighborhood in Marlette, MI. It had two large steady lights, a yellowish white light trailed by a large red light. Two small lights strobed simultaneously, one on each side of the craft.

A large golden light was observed in the eastern sky at 23:35 pm EST in Marlette, Michigan. The witness, a 52 year old professional, was frightened as she knew instantly that this light, coming towards her home, was not an aircraft. Her son is an ET experiencer that has worked with Michigan MUFON representatives and has had several close-proximity UFO sightings himself. He was out of state at the time of this sighting. The woman, opened her doorwall to go onto her patio to look up at the approaching object but became scared and retreated back indoors. She again opened her door to go out but again retreated indoors. As this object slowly appoached she could distinguish other lights on it. She heard absolutely no sound from it through the sighting. As the object came nearer she could make out two very large steady lights that seemed to be structures lit from inside. A large yellowish white light trailed closely by a large steady red light. There were two small blinking lights, one on each edge at the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock positions (she believes this was a solid round object although she could not actually see the structure). As it silently drifted over the house at the speed of a small single engine aircraft, which is common in Marlette, she remembered her son's insistance that she should measure any object with her two fingers at arm's length. The object was approximately 2 1/2 to 3 inches at arm's length. She ran back in doors frightened as it passed over. The sighting duration was approximately 2-3 minutes. It should also be noted that her husband had reported a UFO to Michigan MUFON at the beginning of December. His sighting was of a bank of approximately seven bright lights that hovered stationary at 35 degrees from his parked car and then vanished. This occurred in Peck, MI. I am the witness's son..

Posted 1998-03-07

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