NUFORC Sighting 2846

Occurred: 1997-09-22 03:00 Local
Reported: 1997-11-12 00:00 Pacific
Duration: approx 1 hr
No of observers: 3

Location: St. Louis, MO, USA

Shape: Other

Summary : We had just moved into our new home and could not sleep. At approx. 3:00 a.m. I noticed a glowing object in the eastern sky at about horizon level. It was far enough away that when it moved around, the telephone and electrical wires were hiding it. My husband asked me if I saw it and I told him yes. We did not have the camcorder or binoculars unpacked, but we did have the site from his telescope. You could see that the thing was changing colors from white to blue to green. We live very close to an airport (practically at the end of the runway) and noted that there was no airplane activity. This is very unusual for Lambert Field. The next night at about the same time my husband and a friend saw the same light, but this time there were approx 3 objects doing the same thing as the night before. They were convinved thath what they saw that night was a UFO. My husband said they were much more active thath night than the night before when we saw it together. I do not be! lieve it was a star and we have discussed if it was possible to be some type of new aircraft that McDonnell/Boeing could be testing. We heard no noise or saw any other activity.

Posted 1999-01-28

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