NUFORC Sighting 26645

Occurred: 1990-01-15 00:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2002-12-17 12:29 Pacific

Location: South Pacific (243 miles above), , Pacific Ocean

Shape: Disk

UFO seen in NASA footage of MIR

UFO is seen in a NASA footage of the spacestation MIR, as the it crossed over the International Dateline 243 miles above the South Pacific. There is a disk-like object or a shadow of a disk-like object that moved across the surface of the Earth. The craft or shadow of the craft can be seen for about 2.5 seconds. The speed of the craft must be in the thousands of mph.


Date is unknown. We have indicated a date above, so that the case sorts to 1990, but that is for administrative purposes. We have forgotten when MIR re-entered the atmosphere and splashed down in the Indian Ocean. PD

Posted 2002-12-23

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