NUFORC Sighting 1985

Occurred: 1996-10-30 19:30 Local
Reported: 1997-02-22 00:00 Pacific
Duration: a few minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Richmond, OH, USA

Shape: Triangle

SUMMARY: orange triangle metallic looking object sighted from window

I was sitting on couch and saw a plane? coming in the distance. No surprise since I can see many planes coming and going on the horizon from the Pittsburgh airport on clear nights. We have a good view of open skies on the hill and have watched little meteorite showers in years past. This orange light was coming west it came so close and descended heading north. I thought it was a plane crashing to the groud a few miles from my home. It changed angles as it turned and it appeared as a metallic bottom with a glowing orange haze. At each point there was a bright colored light. As I ran out the front door to witness the crash I saw it quickly change direction and ascend toward the east. It disappeared from sight at a high rate of speed. I think it was some weird new stealth like plane or a UFO. I was alone when it happened. I'm married and have a career and I don't want to be known as a nut. As I was searching the web to see if anyone else witnessed my siting I discovered y!our site. Everyone I know was indoors at that time and I really don't want to ask my neighbors for obvious reasons. I've done alot of soul searching on whether I should report this in any way and so here I am. If there's someone else out there I want them to know that I saw it too. I know how I feel. If it crashed I would have drove off to see it but since it didn't- I probably will never know what it really was that I saw. It happened all so fast.

Posted 1998-03-07

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