NUFORC Sighting 1975

Occurred: 1996-09-01 21:30 Local
Reported: 1997-02-05 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1 min.
No of observers: 2

Location: Fort Collins, CO, USA

Shape: Disk

SUMMARY: Sighting of crescent moon shaped object at about cloud high, traveling from NNW to SSE in direction of Denver CO, at 9:30 PM. No sound. Two witnesses.

Sitting in back yard with my wife, we were facing south watching the sky because I had seen something similar to this the previos year that my wife could not see. I looked over my right shoulder to the NNW. As I looked into totaly clear skys with bright stars this object appeared in my field of vision. Just as I saw it I said to my wife who had just turned her head, "Do you see that", her reply was "Oh my God I do". We both watched it proceed about cloud height above our heades and move very steadily to the SSE in the direction of Denver. I had my camera with and tryed to take pictured but they were only black when developed. As we watched it disappeared before it was at a distance that we thought it should have. It just faded out. The object appeared to be illuminated by ground lights from the city, and looked like the front edge, and bottom of a disk. It had the shape of a cresent moon, with a slight point in the center and back. There was no sound. Judging by the hight !it seemed to be around 100ft-150ft across.About a year before this we had been sitting in the same place in the yard and I saw the same thing going in the opposite direction (SSE to NNW) that was the same shape, size, and hight, except that it had four rectangular blocks of light on the leading edge, and my wife could not see it even though she was looking exactly where I pointed. If there were any other sighting in the area around the same time, I'm interested.

Posted 1998-03-07

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