NUFORC Sighting 18330

Occurred: 2001-01-15 00:20 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2001-07-07 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 6-7 Minutes
No of observers: 6

Location: Iowa City, IA, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

A large flight of glowing discs sighted over Iowa City

As we were going from my friends car into another friend's house, one of my friends happened to glance toward the sky and notice a flight of 5 bright white discs in a spearhead formation proceeding west to east at high altitude and high speed. This was the first of six nearly identical flights we observed over the next few minutes. My friend's parents got binoculars, but we couldn't see any particular detail on the objects. We noted a jet of some sort heading west to east on similar trajectory with the discs during the same time period, but we think it was significantly lower and we don't think it was pursuing them.

Posted 2001-08-05

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