NUFORC Sighting 179931

Occurred: 1977-06-23 12:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-12-22 08:57 Pacific
Duration: 3 hours
No of observers: 3

Location: Prince Edward, ON, Canada

Shape: Disk
Color: silver
Estimated Size: 30 feet across
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: straight overhead
Angle of Elevation: 90
Closest Distance: 100 feet
Estimated Speed: unknown
Characteristics: Possible abduction, Missing Time

Silver disk stopped overhead

It was about lunchtime and 2 adults were outside. It was a perfect clear day, no clouds, low wind. A silver disk came over the water and stopped overhead about 100-150' up. The craft had no seams, rivets, edges, lights or windows. The craft was spinning about its vertical axis. There was no noise. It stopped for a period of time and then left. There is a discrepency of time. I was inside at the time and my parents were outside for several hours however they stated that the craft was there for only a few minutes. I was a kid, 8-9 years old and I was playing with Legos. I had the distinct idea or message that I should not go out but rather I should stay playing with the Legos. It was like the D&D spell Suggestion. I got the idea that there was someone there but I thought it might be my great grandmother who was a very well known religious scholar in the 30s-50s named Marta Streiff of Zurich. She was interested in the ufo phenomenon as well and I thought that maybe she was there in spirit.

My father called the Trenton Air base, the largest in Canada, and asked about it and they didn't know anything. I had always thought that something else had happened and recently I put forth into my mind every night for a few weeks the question: What else went on that day? In order to try to retrieve some additional information. One night I woke up straight out of a deep sleep with the message: There was someone else in the room.

Posted 2024-02-15

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