NUFORC Sighting 175905

Occurred: 2023-05-24 09:06 Local
Reported: 2023-05-24 17:33 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 0

Location: Portland, OR, USA
Location details: Above St. John’s Bridge

Shape: Cigar

Walking dog, looked up and saw object drifting, then noticed secondary object drifting in opposing direction.

I went outside to let my dog walk around the grassy area next to my apartment and upon looking up (West), I noticed the cigar shaped object drifting across the sky at a consistent pace, going downward (left) at about a 45° angle. Could not decipher if it was metallic or white in color. Appeared somewhat translucent at times with naked eye. I then notice a secondary object which begins higher up than the first and appears further away, behind some faint clouds at times. Secondary object appears to be moving at a similar speed as the first object, however, the secondary object is moving downward at about a 45° angle, rather than upward like the first object. Both moving left. I watched for about 10 seconds before then recording with my cell phone for about 17 seconds. Objects drifted behind cloud cover and couldn’t be located after that. Second video attached is the same as the first video, just zoomed in more. Video time stamp says 9:06AM.

Posted 2023-07-10

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