NUFORC Sighting 175884

Occurred: 2023-05-06 21:15 Local
Reported: 2023-05-23 07:18 Pacific
Duration: 30 mins
No of observers: 2

Location: Oak Grove, MO, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

7-10 orange lights heading north, followed by huge flying saucer, bottom illuminated by city lights. Followed by 7-10 military choppers

Two witnesses described numerous (7-10) orange-type lights in a cone-like formation formation in the sky coming from the south heading north toward Oak Grove. The dogs were acting crazy at this time. About 3-5 minutes later one of the witnesses looked straight up and noticed what he called a "flying saucer". The main witness then scrambled to get a cell-phone shot of the craft and got only about 4 seconds of video. The object was perfectly round with the center (about half the mass) black or dark gray. with its outside being silver gray and middle almost black, described as a flying saucer. Apparently the outside of this object was being illuminated by the city lights as the saucer was not lit. Witnesses described a smell of burning wiring. After the saucer-like ship flew past, military choppers were everywhere in the sky. Witness has actual video of one of the choppers chasing one of these lights. Within a 5-minute time-frame the witnesses saw 3-4 lights or orbs which went in the same direction, disappeared, then reappeaed and headed in a different direction from east to west. Within 7-10 minutes they began to hear and see 7-10 military choppers flying around in an apparent search pattern, then finally right over his house..The entire episode lasted approximately 30 minutes. (Report filed by MADAR Operations Director) [Investigated by MUFON]

Posted 2023-07-10

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