NUFORC Sighting 175857

Occurred: 2023-05-14 03:14 Local
Reported: 2023-05-21 05:27 Pacific
Duration: 4min
No of observers: 1

Location: Clackamas, OR, USA
Location details: Small neighborhood called Oak Acres

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Lights on object

Bright White Light moving SE

I was walking at 3 am it was a very clear night. I left my house and walked about 100ft when I looked up from my phone to look at the stars. Immediately I noticed a bright white-yellow light transiting through the Big Dipper, which at the time appeared high in the north west sky. I mad no sound at all. I could tell it was not an aircraft of any sort it did not blink or change in intensity as it changed moved by, I checked FlightRadar immediately after the sighting and there was nothing. So I pulled out my phone and started filming. While filming I was thinking maybe satellite but it was really bright for that and appeared to vary in course and speed slightly. After it went behind the house I stopped filming but walked so I could see it. It seemed to approach the horizon the way in way which seemed similar to an aircraft at cruising altitude. Once it got to dim to see I checked flight tracker to confirm it was definitely no airplane or helicopter. I sat on the sighting for a few days but when I went to report it on the 21st of may I found many reports of similar objects and trajectories. Very interesting indeed!

The video is pretty good! Unfortunately to big to upload. Still images are included.It shows the object as it moved nearly directly overhead from the northwest to the southeast on a heading of about 100-110 degrees. It took about 3min to leave my view before it was too dim to see. It appears to vary its course to “dodge” a star slightly as it left. Definitely no meteor, helicopter, or airplane. Perhaps a satellite. But I have never seen a satellite that bright and move that slow.

Posted 2023-07-10

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