NUFORC Sighting 173667

Occurred: 2022-12-31 22:45 Local
Reported: 2023-01-01 08:10 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Navarette, Santiago Province, Dominican Republic
Location details: Essentially traveling down “Avenida Duarte” from west to east

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Black Triangular UFO with three lights, one on each corner

I am a NYC-born and raised current law student on vacation with my parents and my wife in the Dominican Republic. While down here, I regularly look up at the sky and star gaze given that there isn't much light pollution. Last night, however, on New Year's Eve while everyone is drinking and celebrating the New Year, I look up and see a dark-colored triangle with equidistant lights in each corner flying directly overhead from my parent's balcony. Some of the things that have me convinced I saw an extraterrestrial UFO is one: the craft was silent; two: there was no trail of smoke or anything that appeared to be propelling this craft; three it was flying fairly low (maybe 1 to 2 thousand feet above if that) and was crossing relatively slowly as if It did not want to draw too much attention to itself; four: it effortlessly picked up speed as it passed, it disappeared from my line of sight in maybe 4 seconds; five: Instead of pulling out my phone and missing it I tapped my wife to confirm that I wasn't hallucinating and she too saw the same thing (P.S. Neither one of us drink); Six: perhaps the most compelling reason in my mind is that despite looking directly at this craft the size of a jet it looked blurry as if it had some kind of stealth-invisibility shield straight out of a movie, it was a clear night so I know it wasn't a cloud beneath it and the surrounding sky appearing completely normal yet this blurry looking triangle was flying above us. I know if I was not already looking up I without a doubt would have missed it. I don't know what kind of military aircraft the D.R. has but, I know for sure it's not this. I've always been skeptical about UFOs but after what I saw I'm mostly frustrated that ALL governments are not disclosing what they know. We deserve to know what's out there, we pay our hard-earned tax dollars and they use it to train our military and purchase/develop high-tech machines to observe and study this phenomenon and they turn around and hide from us? I don't care what kind of implications knowledge of ETs will bring we need to know.

Posted 2023-03-06

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