NUFORC Sighting 171545

Occurred: 2022-09-02 20:57 Local
Reported: 2022-09-02 21:47 Pacific
Duration: 4m
No of observers: 0

Location: Brookings, OR, USA
Location details: Crissey Field State Park

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Not sure if it was one or two

I actually thought it was a plane at first. Two white lights in the sky, looked like a plane coming right at me. From the intensity of the lights, I thought it was fairly low for a passenger jet. I used to live on an approach path in CT about 15 miles from the airport, so I’m used to seeing those lights. We rarely get planes overhead at Crissey Field, and I love watching planes, so when I hear one I notice it. I watched it for several seconds, and it didn’t seem to get any closer. I took out my phone and filmed it for a few seconds, then stopped and adjusted my phone and filmed again for a few seconds, then stopped, turned the camera and filmed again for over a minute. I swear, that “plane” never got any closer. And I couldn’t hear a plane. And the lights never changed to green and red. I came inside, turned out the lights, moved something on the floor by the front windows so I could stand there. That took maybe a minute at the most. I opened the window, and the lights were gone. Could it have been obliterated by the fog rolling in? I suppose so, but I never heard a plane. Opened windows so I could hear better. I honestly have no idea what I just saw.

Posted 2022-09-09

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