NUFORC Sighting 167750

Occurred: 2022-05-04 17:30 Local
Reported: 2022-05-05 15:07 Pacific
Duration: 3-5min
No of observers: 4

Location: Roseville, MI, USA
Location details: above I-94, 400-500 ft in the air

Shape: Cone

Ship seen hovering above highway

I heard this story second-hand from my coworker today.

He said approximately yesterday at 5:30 he was heading down Gratiot here in Roseville and observed a craft moving south. He said the craft had then tilted for a moment, when he said to himself "That don't look like an airplane." He then said the craft hovered there for a couple minutes, while him and his wife had been scrambling to find a better place to park the car and look. He described it to me as being above or around I-94 a few miles south, around 400-500ft in the air, just hovering.

Posted 2022-05-31

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