NUFORC Sighting 164240

Occurred: 1976-12-01 18:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2021-08-06 12:04 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Naples, FL, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Three of us walked down to the bay of Naples to see the sunset. The sky was still light. All of us saw a craft in front of us hovering about 8-10 ft. above the water. It was approximately 25 ft in front of us. The craft was very large (About 30 ft. In diameter) and circular with sides that were on a slant outwards. All sides were of a dark color or were black and shiny. No windows were noticed.

There were two different colors of lights on the outside of the craft. One was a white color. The other Im not positive, but I think was green. The craft made a humming sound while hovering.

When the craft took off, it went super fast and in directions airplanes do not fly. There was no noticeable propulsion coming from the craft. There was no smoke, fire, or plumes. It just took off.

The next day in the newspaper was something about a UFO on the radar at the airport.

Posted 2021-08-16

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