NUFORC Sighting 159812

Occurred: 2020-10-05 18:45 Local
Reported: 2020-10-08 10:49 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 2

Location: Chandigarh (India), , India

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

We saw a big boomerang shaped craft above us (INDIA) 5-10-2020

On 5-10-2020 evening time me and my 4 year son were on the top of the house. There was no Moon that night. We saw a big boomerang shaped craft above us. There was no noise. First i saw a big line of lights after that when the craft crossed arround us I was able to see properly its shape and size. It was wide like three aroplane could easily adjust on his width. Its color was black and gray with 3 to 4 lights on both side. The lights were not sharp, not like a headlight. First I felt like I'm dreaming but the same time my son asked me what it is. The craft had a good speed not so fast but not like our planes. I am sure it was not from our Earth because the light was down side of the Craft not at the front, not like ours.

I Googled about this craft but couldn't find it. What I found was a drawing made by someone, same to same with the craft I saw.

I saved that image.

Its not first time I have seen such type of crafts. But all 4 times I seen them in different shapes. I have not any idea how to get that day's Google Earh images but really want to know what kind of a craft it was. Can you please check the google earth map for what I saw that night? I will send you the location (Latitude -30.752480) (Longitude- 76.776690). Maybe you can find through Google earth what it was! Thanks!

Posted 2020-12-23

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