NUFORC Sighting 153146

Occurred: 2020-02-05 23:00 Local
Reported: 2020-02-09 05:13 Pacific
Duration: 15-20 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Arlington, VA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Jet fighters surround DC area in late night search

From 11 pm until 11:30 pm the entire Washington DC area was filled with the noise of jet fighter aircraft. Reported from Bethesda MD to Burke VA. This was NOT a drill! The noise was so loud it woke me up out of a sound sleep. I live near the Pentagon in Arlington VA. When I went out to my 16th floor balcony I could see two small white lights moving in semi circle patterns. The did not seem to be they lacked any other lighting..and were high up.

I believe that jets were chasing these lights...which were very fast.

There needs to be pressure brought to ask why jets fighters were buzzing the area for 15-20 mins....and no..this was not because of the State of the Union address..which had been over for 45 mins before this occurred.

I am a retired history teacher and airline family member. I know what I saw..and this event is not a hoax...I can provide text from others who heard the jets...although not the lights.

I called a news radio station..they confirmed others were calling too. However..follow up calls the station..the Washington post..and Andrews Air force base have been story has been written..and the 113 Air National guard base at Andrews says they know nothing of what I am saying. They will not even confirm planes were launched. They are not telling the truth.

Posted 2020-02-13

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