NUFORC Sighting 148996

Occurred: 2019-08-21 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2019-09-25 08:51 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Mount Horeb, WI, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

I had stopped by my neighbor’s house while out walking my dog as he usually has a fire in his fire pit during the upper Midwest’s wonderful summer evenings. Typically, we chat and socialize for an hour then I return home. His home faces West and I was talking with him on his back patio on the eastern side of the house. We were chatting when he turned around and pointed up to the sky to make joke about UFOs while pointing to a plane that was flying by. When I looked up, I mention that there are two planes, but they were just solid bright white lights and flying low, at that point I noticed that there were not flashing wing lights indicative of plane. We both watched the lights moved from the SSW to NNW across the sky. One light followed the other at a set distance during the entire travel. The lights as I mentioned, were low to start but they moved gradually higher and higher in till they disappeared into space well before the horizon. The object made no so! und which is atypical on a clear night with low flying airplanes. The event lasted 2-3 minutes. We both agreed that these were not airplanes, helicopters, balloons or any other type of flight vehicle that we could identify.

Posted 2019-10-04

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