NUFORC Sighting 135918

Occurred: 2017-08-26 06:50 Local
Reported: 2017-08-26 07:42 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Emitted other objects, Aircraft nearby, Landed

Early morning 3 UFOs one appears to be landed.

This morning at approximately 6:50am, my girlfriend and I were travelling West on Desert Inn and witnessed 3 sphere grey things above the mountains one appeared to be landed. The objects had positioned themselves in the direction of potessi mountain and in the bright morning light were fully visible they must have been massive. Many photos were taken but the cell phone camera was worthless. The object with the greatest altitude and furthest north of the group moved South and continued gaining altitude. The second was motionless lower than the first but not landed. The third either was below the ridge of the mountain or landed on it, we believe the latter.

We were on an overpass when they caught our eye coming to the intersection of Valley View and Desert Inn they were bigger much bigger than all the aircraft that were flying, these were huge and had the shape of a ball. No wings, no tails, no light other than reflected sunlight. They must have been seen by someone other than us they were bigger casinos on the Las Vegas Strip.

I believe I saw the first object split into two then come back together. I wanted to pursue the sighting but my girlfriend was too scared.

Posted 2017-09-05

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