NUFORC Sighting 133786

Occurred: 2016-09-18 22:00 Local
Reported: 2017-04-24 14:24 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 minutes

Location: Tesuque, NM, USA

Shape: Light

Fast moving star-like light.

I was camping alone and was admiring the bright stars on this very clear night. I was about 8-9K feet in elevation on the west side of the mountains. I had a good wide view of the night sky.

As I looked towards the North, I noticed a light similar to a star moving at a NE direction, coming from the SW. There were no strobes or blinking lights on or around it. It was moving fast and began to slightly change direction towards the east. Then I lost view of this light.

It was traveling faster than any high altitude plane or aircraft that I have ever seen. I am not sure what it was. No noise. No other lights or craft were in the sky at the time.

Posted 2017-04-28

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