NUFORC Sighting 133730

Occurred: 2017-04-16 19:12 Local
Reported: 2017-04-20 16:52 Pacific
Duration: 6 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA

Shape: Other

Odd, almost humanoid, UFO seen over Northeast LA (Highland Park / Hermon)

I was visiting my father in the Hermon neighborhood of Los Angeles, adjancet to Highland Park, where I live. We noticed an object coming from the vicinity of Debs Park, traversing Highland Park, possibly some of Hermon. We were facing NNE, and the object appeared to be travelling North, or NNW. The object appeared completely dark, there were no lights, and while it appeared semi-symmetrical, it was not entirely symmetrical.

In all fairness, it could have been some sort of balloon. It does have a Mickey Mouse-type of shape, and the top of Debs Park does have an area where families do sometimes hold picnics. Still, there was no wind, it seemed larger than most “Mickey” type balloons I saw online, and seemed fairly stiff, and the proportions were incorrect for a humanoid balloon, and it was missing arms.

Posted 2017-04-28

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