NUFORC Sighting 128292

Occurred: 1983-06-15 23:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2016-07-04 21:42 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Waterford, MI, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams

Oval UFO with lights, same as Garden City, Michigan, about same time?

I've recounted this story to friends over the years but never officially reported it because I figured it was no big deal. But after searching your database out of curiosity, I changed my mind and thought I'd share my observations.

I don't remember the date, but know it was in the summer months of 1983, late evening, about 23:30 hours. I found an incident in your database from 6/15/1983, at 23:30 hours in Garden City, Michigan. That date and time are close to my sighting, and coincidentally, Garden City is not far from Waterford Township to the north.

Anyway, my friend and I left work late one evening, walking home through the neighborhood behind my home. It was an overcast night and was very dark. Suddenly, I noticed the neighborhood around us light up, as if there were a clear night and moonlight was covering the ground. This caused us to look up. We saw the clouds opened up above us and a huge oval shape hanging in the sky in a hole in the clouds directly overhead. The shape had a row of large bright lights (which I likened to arc lights) along its center. It was completely silent. We stared for what seemed like only a few seconds in disbelief. In an instant, the object shot straight up into the clouds and disappeared. I'm very familiar with aircraft and have never seen anything like this. It made absolutely no sound, and traveled the speed of light.

My friend and I discussed what this meant for some time afterward. I simply chalked it up to being some sort of a spiritual encounter. Perhaps demons or Angels. They are known to travel and appear on this planet. The Bible indicates that Satan and his host have been cast upon the Earth and he is presently the prince of the power of the air. This is why I never officially shared my story until now. I just figured it was no big deal and was simply a natural phenomenon that could be explained.

However, I was intrigued when I read the description from the Garden City sighting. The description matches the object I saw, and it was right around the date and time I had my encounter.

Posted 2016-07-08

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