NUFORC UFO Sighting 176085

Occurred: 2023-05-13 14:21 Local
Reported: 2023-06-01 20:25 Pacific
Duration: Five Minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Location details: I was standing at intersection of 11th St. & Grand St. downtown Los Angeles at the time.

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Emitted beams, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

On May 13th, 2023 I noticed a bright flashing object in the sky of in the distance as I took a closer look I could see a metallic Orb.

I’m a retired Los Angeles police officer… on May 13th, 2023 something very unusual happened while I was employed by a commercial film production Co. (Filming a new car commercial when something that I can not fully explain that was happening above me in the sky. For the past twenty-eight years (after retiring from the LAPD) I’ve been fortunate enough to have been allowed to work in full LAPD uniform (with the police Department approval of course) on hundreds of production shoots in the streets of L.A., and for the most part all have been mostly uneventful… until this below happened. Yesterday while filming a Chevrolet car shoot in the streets of Los Angeles something caught my eye above me in the sky… it appeared to be a silver colored round sphere that was flashing a bright white high intensity light on an off in the sky above me I’d estimate around fifteen-hundred up. Upon initially seeing it I thought it was a drone… then to my amazement it instantly shape shifted from a round metallic sphere into a flat lateral object, that would occasionally start spinning at high speed on it’s axis, after which it moved laterally from left to right at high speed, then reforming back into it’s previous metallic sphere form, and then repeating the whole sequence again and again as it randomly moved about the sky high above Los Angeles. I was so dumbfounded and taken back as to what I was seeing that I had forgotten to use my Apple Iphone to video it.
Now to my dismay this object then vanished—-I desperately began to search the sky for the next fifteen-minutes in order to a picture of it—I was ready this time—then just before giving up I noticed a very bright pinpoint of light extremely high in the crystal clear sky. Now with IPhone in hand I snapped a picture of the entire skyscrape in front of me. After studying the picture for a few minutes I became disappointed when I didn’t see anything out of the unusual at first, that is. As an afterthought I started magnifying the field of view of the photograph with two of my fingers and then it happened—to my astonishment I saw in my picture… I had indeed captured a photograph of this amazing unknown metallic (Orb). My picture clearly shows an inanimate object high in the sky! It also shows the structure of the sphere and under high magnification. The structural definition especially along the bottom of this object IE: two darken ports on either sides of the bottom with a horizontal darken indentation running vertically between the two darken ports on either side. Then—it hit me—a solid structural sphere (Ball) cannot just sit still high in the sky… everyone knows that, the law of physics tells us that, it’s impossible for a round solid object to just sit stationary in the sky with out rotors or propulsion of some kind. I wanted to quickly get my iPhone out of my pocket to video what I was seeing, but I was unable to do this because at the time I was standing moving traffic at the time directing traffic (unsafe to do that). I was very lucky though just to get a still picture of it though as you can see.

Posted 2023-07-10

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