NUFORC UFO Sighting 181259

Occurred: 1992-05-12 19:45 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2024-04-24 23:24 Pacific
Duration: 7 Seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Corydon, Indiana, United States
Location details: South highway 337, Tijeras New Mexico

Shape: Sphere
Color: Yellow to Orange
Estimated Size: 50 to 100 ft
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: East to South, Left to right, directly in front of my vehicle
Angle of Elevation: 50
Closest Distance: 500 to 1000 ft
Estimated Speed: unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

At 7:45pm Tues or Wednesday, May 12 or 13 - Large Yellow/orange sphere sailed over highway from North to South

As I drove south on highway 337, I saw a large sphere about 2" across in my windshield. It sailed rapidly from North to South, above and in front of my car, taking 5-7 seconds to travel from 10 to 3 o'clock. Disappearing over a low ridge. It was above low clouds, yellow to orange in color, appeared to glow from within. No sound, no trail or smoke/vapor. It traveled in a horizontal trajectory at a constant speed. I can't estimate size or speed, since it was nothing I had seen before, or nothing in view to compare it to. My windows were open but I heard nothing. I sped up hoping to see it on the other side of the ridge, but it was gone. A few days later I called the Ranger Lookout which would have been directly along the path of the object. The person laughed, and said they saw nothing. This sighting affected me emotionally for 2 years. I could not discuss it without tearing up, and my speech would freeze. I cannot explain this. I quit my job of 22 years a couple months later. I spent the next year reading everything I could find on the subject, trying to understand what and I had seen. I filed a report with MUFON weeks later. I underwent hypnosis, but could not recall. But on leaving the hypnotist, I saw I had been under for 90 minutes, had a terrible headache, went home and never followed up. Since then have met many people with similar experiences. My sighting was within 2 miles of my house, and the path of the object was directly parallel to Manzano Weapons Storage Area - Sandia, Kirtland AFB. This is a mountainous area, and I have driven this road 2x daily since 1989.

Posted 2024-04-27

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