NUFORC UFO Sighting 181155

Occurred: 1978-07-14 20:30 Local
Reported: 2024-04-14 11:03 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 2 - Aviation Expert

Location: Santa Clarita, CA, USA
Location details: land on pool deck.

Shape: Circle
Color: silver metallic
Estimated Size: Equi to 1 & 1/2 story house 35-40 FT DIAMETER
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: to my left 15 feet from where I stood
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: 15 feet
Estimated Speed: stood still and then departed at 20 MPH
Characteristics: Lights on object, Landed

Saw in air and seconds afterwards descended over my swimming pool suspended over water for 2 minutes

The sighting was in Santa Clarita Valley over a residential area. Myy house a corner lot.

I reached upwards using metallic pole to sweep pool sides and saw it for seconds between my house and neighbors. it may have been 500-1,000 ft altitude. Seconds it descended over my pool that faces east west. Came in over homes, and over 6 ft back wall towards deep end of pool. i was 18 yards from rear door of house.

I ran to my house back sliding door, yelled at my kids and wife to come out. I had been standing on 4 ft platform on opposite side of pool. My wife walked out. We walked 6-8 steps toward pool deck. The Craft was 15 feet from us at about 15-20 feet over the water. No sound slight motion as if wind moved it but there was no wind. Pool lights were on, beneath and behind it. Yet we could see light emanating from skin of craft but not from pool lights. It seemed as if soft light was produced through metallic silver skin. The skin had no seams or rivets. No insignias. 2 protruding poles with intricate designs, like iron Spanish or Moorish designs. Craft dipped forward and downwards as if communicating, we could see elongated window bellow the leading front edge of circular craft. No occupants but could see a wall through the front. Orange bluish light interior. A circular top on top of craft with approximate 10-12 circular windows all darkened, The bottom was concave towards center, 2 rectangular devices side by side in center of concave bottom. My wife and I were not frightened but frozen looking at craft. She kept saying over and over, "oh my god." but not in a religious connotation.. More of amazement. My background Group Propulsion Systems and Computer Sciences. After it departed it moved in a different direction southeast towards mountains around eastern of Los Angeles.

This was not man-made technology. My observations were questions such as; What were circular darkened windows? Why did they need windows if advanced civilization why not have camera that could present exterior to inside projection and analytical abilities.

Posted 2024-04-27

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