NUFORC UFO Sighting 178022

Occurred: 2023-09-03 21:18 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-09-03 21:56 Pacific
Duration: Seen for 45-60 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Prather, CA, USA

Shape: Other
Explanation: Starlink - Probable
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail

A straight line of moving lights

At first I thought it was a Starlink satellite, but I checked, and none were supposedly in the area. I was showering outside, looked up, and thought I noticed Orion’s Belt. However, I quickly realized that Orion’s Belt is not 12-15 lights long. Perfectly straight, I witnessed 12-15 “stars” moving jointly across the sky. With exactly the same luminance as the stars around it, these 12-15 “stars” were perfectly equidistant, slowly trudging across the night sky. The lead “star” would disappear, and a trailing “star” would appear. I thought it was Starlink, but again, supposedly none in the area. I have never witnessed a ufo before, and made sure that I was seeing what I was seeing. I was calm, and of sound mind. My eyes were not playing tricks on me. Nude, I yelled for my father to “come outside quick. Hurry! Come quick. I promise I’m not wasting your time. Hurry!” He came out, and as I was nude, I would only have done this if I really was sure that I was seeing something “otherworldly.” I told him to look up, and he tried to see what I was experiencing. However, my eyes were acclimated to the dark, and his were not. He was watching a tv show in the dark, but it was not the same as being outside for awhile like I was. Realizing that there was a light on in the adjacent patio, I sprinted over, and nearly fell as I slipped on the concrete. Turning off the light, I raced back. He was trying to see what I had seen, but the number of “stars” began to decrease, so I am unsure if he saw it as well, or not. He loves and supports me, so he said something of seeing a “flashing light,” but I don’t think he really saw anything that I saw. If there was a Starlink present, than I am sorry for wasting “your” time with this message, but if there was not, then I saw a very unique UFO. I did not see anything else, so I have no comments about a “giant ship” or some other speculative nonsense, but the size and scale of the “stars”, along with other their perfect progression across the sky, was unbelievable. The timing of the lead “star” disappearing and the trailing “star” appearing was uniform. A constant flow of lights and progression. I realize that this is not much to report, but again, supposedly no Starlink in the area….

Posted 2023-09-10

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