NUFORC Sighting 177944

Occurred: 2022-04-11 16:31 Local
Reported: 2023-08-31 17:06 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Peoria, IL, USA
Location details: North Peoria near the turn on ramp to Route 16 North

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Emitted other objects

I saw a large mother ship with about 8 smaller ships flying around it.

The mother ship and smaller ships were very high in the sky. I was in the drivers seat of my car and stopped, waiting to turn left on an entrance ramp to Route 6 North. I looked up and saw the ships. I grabbed my cell phone and took a few pictures of the sky. When the photos are enlarged, I can see a small black orb. In one photo, you can see 2.

Posted 2023-09-10

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