NUFORC UFO Sighting 177859

Occurred: 2023-08-26 02:06 Local
Reported: 2023-08-26 02:40 Pacific
Duration: 45 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: McDermott, WA, USA
Location details: South bound on US 95 just before the McDermitt airport

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Missing Time

2 orbs starting filling me quickly gaining velocity then vanished

I was traveling South bound on US 95 headed from Seattle to Phoenix Arizona. At around 02:07 AM i saw two very bright lights turn on and pull out from what I assumed was the side of the road. At first I assumed they were motorcycles as the light was around the right high and was definitely similar to a headlight. It seemed odd how fast the lights were catching up to me was I was traveling 70mph not mentioned the more I looked the more off the placemat of the lights seems. I looked back at the road then checked my rear view mirror only to see the two orbs a even faster and closed the gap between me and them about half way in a matter of seconds. It was after watching them for no more than three seconds that one light was turned off, sort of fading similar to an old fluorescent light bulb with the other following suit. After it was pitch black behind me, dark enough to make out any break lights or Evidence of a vehicle or anything turbo around( there was no streetlights or light pollution for miles). This happened 2 hrs after seeing two crafts while traveling SE on Highway 78 in Oregon. I had one red light follow me for a few seconds then fade away (the light never shrunk as one would expect when traveling in the opposite direction of a light source), I then pulled over and stopped my vehicle and shut it off, killing the lights to see what was following and looked up to my left and saw to very large perfectly shaped cigar objects that blocked out a very sizable portion of the night sky. Again the moon was not out at this time and this there was no light pollution, and I couldn’t make out any identifying features of a cloud (I know it was pitch black but with the starry backdrop it would have been easy to tell the difference). After seeing the craft I looked down at my truck’s display to get the time and it felt like time stood still, I hadn’t lost time per day but I definitely didn’t move forward through it either it was almost like time stopped but I was able to keep driving. I will mention something eerily similar happened to my mother in law traveling along the same route in the opposite direction, like me she was alone.

Posted 2023-09-10

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