NUFORC UFO Sighting 177775

Occurred: 2023-08-19 19:45 Local
Reported: 2023-08-24 12:41 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds maybe
No of observers: 2

Location: Kensington, KS, USA
Location details: Traveling southward on E 1100 Rd from E Hunter Rd toward Agra, KS

Shape: Orb

Bright bluish-white orb seen for several seconds in sky, then disappears suddenly in a cloudless blue sky.

While driving southbound on E 1100 Road, south of E Hunter Rd in Kensington, KS, heading towards Agra, KS, a very bright blue-white round orb was seen in the southern sky moving from west to east. It was thought to be a plane reflecting the bright setting sun, but it then quickly faded away completely, leaving no trace. This was after about 5 seconds of observing the object. It was thought for a bit to be seeing a very wispy black or gray cloud in the same spot where the orb object had just disappeared from, also dissipating nearly immediately. This was generally a cloudless blue sky on a very hot and sunny early evening. The passenger of the vehicle stated seeing two flashes of long bright lines travelling the other direction, but that was unobserved by the driver of the vehicle and cannot be accurately described for the purposes of this report.

Posted 2023-09-10

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