NUFORC UFO Sighting 177706

Occurred: 2023-08-12 22:30 Local
Reported: 2023-08-19 09:55 Pacific
Duration: Multiple, 15-90+ min
No of observers: 2

Location: Franklin County (northeast), WA, USA
Location details: Between Connell and Kahlotus, south of hwy 260

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo

Bright light initial mistaken for headlights one evening just off horizon, 3 separate nights of orange circle in sky following

V rural location.

Monday 8/7/23 weird light to west, maybe 930 pm +/-, party 1 thinks it’s a rig coming but then a few minutes later realizes nothing went by. V bright, single light, kind of slowly pulses, goes away for awhile, comes back, sometimes orange-ish. We watch through back window for maybe 10, then one party goes to see what it is, thinking maybe people spotlighting coyotes. Fades out when starts pickup. No weird tracks/vehicles/anything when he goes down there, drives a ways and doesn’t see anything.

Friday 8/12 to west out bedroom window maybe around 1030, looks like it’s above neighbor shop but to north. Too big to be a star, bright, orangish. Kind of hovers and slightly moves around but stays generally in the same place. Almost seems like it has a crescent shape, oriented w/concave upward, at beginning but could have been glare from window. Stays for about 20-30 min, no real change so eventually go to bed. One party steps outside but doesn’t hear anything. One party doesn’t think this one is as weird. Need to ask Jeff neighbors if they have a drone.
8/15 same thing but started out smaller/further away? Not crescent shape at beginning. Around 1140. Eventually go to bed again, didn’t wake up second party. Still haven’t caught up w Neighbors

8/16 Neighbors don’t have drone

8/18 around 1050pm, light starts off “lower” and kind of off se corner of shed (but I think it’s further away). Watch it for about an hour and a half before going to bed. Hovers around, kind of zips back and forth up and down, but overall makes its way higher and further to south. By time I go to bed looks like it’s up “above” power line and over south of lot. Went outside, no noise. Looked at it through binoculars outside, orangish color seems to be coming from a bunch of orange lights around outside of shape. Inside is more muted color and looks wavy. Hard to get binos to focus really great on it, or it was too far away for them to focus well. Movements back/forth and up/down easy to see through binos. Dogs unbothered. May have been a second one higher up/further away off to north but honestly didn’t notice it til maybe 1230 and was too tired to watch it for too long. Pictures are extremely underwhelming, but I guess upside is that they are obviously not a star.

Posted 2023-09-10

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