NUFORC UFO Sighting 177672

Occurred: 2023-02-21 19:00 Local
Reported: 2023-08-16 16:57 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds.
No of observers: 1

Location: Keysville, VA, USA
Location details: In a car, on 15 South, outside Farmville, VA. 7:00 PM on Tues., Feb. 2023, we were going 58 mph.

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

I was in a car, taking pictures with my phone, I saw a flash of blue around 2 seconds before I stopped taking photos.

It was the night when Venus, Mercury, and the Moon were all out at the same time. I was leaving Farmville when it was getting dark and the Moon was rising. I had a good view, and I wanted some pictures to show friends and relatives. I spammed the button with my finger, getting many images, and around 2 seconds before I stopped button-spamming, I saw a small flash of blue light in the top right hand corner of my window. I thought it was nothing, but while going through my pictures to see if any were good, I saw a queer object at the top right hand corner of the image. I was something that looked like two lozenges that were very close together. I'm uncertain as to whether these are separate objects. It didn't seem to be moving, because it was only in one photo. And the background of the encounter was clear with no clouds in sight. Only the two planets and the Moon were visible. Since it wasn't fully nighttime yet, the horizon was a gray color.

Posted 2023-09-10

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