NUFORC UFO Sighting 177652

Occurred: 2023-08-17 23:30 Local
Reported: 2023-08-17 00:28 Pacific
Duration: 5 min
No of observers: 5

Location: Emmett, AR, USA
Location details: Northwest above I 30

Shape: Light

At first looked as if a cell tower was falling but realized they we all hovering in formation shined light at them formed

Notice 15 to 20 bright lights in the sky that. Seem to be hovering and motionless. Took out a 25000 luminan spotlight. Shine the light at the lights that were informations of two, the formations of two marched one behind the other in a line, and then each vanished one by one immediately after shining the spotlight at them. I've seen star links before this was definitely no star link

Posted 2023-09-10

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