NUFORC UFO Sighting 177497

Occurred: 2023-06-09 23:17 Local
Reported: 2023-08-10 13:16 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Lake Kahola, KS, USA
Location details: Over lake

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

Lighted object came from very far away, stopped suddenly, made very quick horizontal movements, then slowly moved towards us.

As I was stargazing on the dock at a private lake I just happen to see lights coming from a great distance. At first I just thought it was a plane. But it was descending and moving quite rapidly. Then it suddenly came to a stop over the west side of the lake and moved a few quick times side to side. Now it really has my attention! I call my wife and tell her just drop whatever you're doing and get out here as quick as you can. She is by my side now and the lighted object is slowly coming towards us like it's zeroed in on us. I finally get my phone that takes amazing pics at night to take a picture of it. I had my stupid flash on and it like spooked it and took off. I hurriedly turn it off and take another pic. It quickly disappeared into the far horizon sky. You could see the light still as far as the eye could see. We both exclaimed at the same time WHOA, now that was weird!! I was kicking myself for not taking any video but if you zoom in on the original photo around the bright light that looks like thrusters, you can see a circular shaped object lined with small circular lights.

Posted 2023-09-10

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