NUFORC UFO Sighting 177467

Occurred: 2023-05-10 01:13 Local
Reported: 2023-08-11 17:01 Pacific
Duration: one second glimpse
No of observers: 1

Location: Chalamette, LA, USA
Location details: SW corner of Chalamette Battlefield, traveling East over the Mississippi River

Shape: Cylinder

Dark grey elongated tic tac

I was ghost hunting around the old house on the battlefield. My phone was recording video towards the house when something caught my eye over the river. I turned my head to see a large grey cylinder with round/dome ends flying along the northern bank of the Mississippi river, heading east. My phone was recording in the wrong direction. It took a second to realize what I saw. By then, it was gone. It was only about one second of visual. It was tic-tac shaped but longer than tic-tac renditions I've seen. It was the size of a commercial jet fuselage, dark or medium grey with no lights or sounds. Since it was nighttime, maybe it was medium grey and appeared darker. Hard to judge height and speed, but I'd say 200mph and 60 feet off the ground. I did not get to see it fly off into the distance. It went behind a large live oak tree and disappeared. I'm guessing it made a 90 degree turn to head south. But maybe it cloaked while it was flying behind the tree. The cloud ceiling was very low, heavy overcast, wind from the east. So it was flying into the wind. It was not crisp clear to my eyes. It was slightly blurry or soft focus. Fog/low clouds, combined with speed, and my eyes adjusting could explain why it wasn't super sharp looking. But I saw an artist rendition from a Nexus magazine article that shows the exact same thing, and it's a little blurry in that picture too. So maybe the propulsion or antigravity vibrates/bends the light around it.

To the west of Chalamette Battlefield are port terminals and Domino sugar. Maybe they caught it on cctv if cameras are facing the water. The time stamp on my phone when it was recording is 1:09am, but I don't know if the time is recorded at the beginning of the clip or the end. The clip is a few minutes long. So I estimated this happened at 1:13 or so.

Posted 2023-09-10

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