NUFORC UFO Sighting 177367

Occurred: 1999-08-03 23:59 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-08-05 22:05 Pacific
Duration: several minutes, at least
No of observers: 1

Location: Adirondack wilderness on way to Utica, NY, USA
Location details: forest highway that to the left dropped off into a valley. It was night.

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Saw red lights, dotting the night sky, at least 4, pulled car over on a slope/hump, flashed headlights, one came toward us so fast!

Driving north to Utica through the Adirondacks, coming from New York in a rental car for the weekend. Deeply dark and quiet drive, on the left it appear to open onto a valley, we are not in the narrowness of just trees on that side, the sky opens up on a dark night. I do not know the exact date, but the rental car people would! At the peak of summer, late July, early August. It is really late at night and few cars are on the road. Very few. Off in the distance are some red lights, we think they are airplanes, but there is something about them that is off, maybe too may too close, the way they are sort of wandering about and them still, we are driving slowly, kind of pulling over, almost like a small constellation moving. My friend tells me he read somewhere once, that if you want contact, to flash a powerful flashlight in the direction of the UFO. We had no flashlight, but we did have headlights, and down the road was a turn off into a sort of small hump, all grassy, not a park exactly, but a kind of break from the trees. T backed up the Mustang and then down the other side of this perfect bump we found, and turned off the car, everything. And we watched the unsuspecting (who knows, though) red lights, T asked me if I was ready, and I realized I was shaking, really shaking, at this pull off. I nodded though, curiosity and all that, Even though I was shaking, I was not expecting anything, it was just the thought of something that ran through my stomach, my senses. And then, in the super dark darkness of the seemingly deserted Adirondacks, he pulled on the lights with the brights and flashed them like Morse code. And then turned the lights off, but just as one of the red lights, far away, like airplane tail lights over the valley, one came right at us, it was, it made me feel cross eyed and I cannot even go cross eyed, but that is how fast it came, like it felt something, I want to say the word quizzical. But then, the shock of that response was too much for me, I bailed to the floor of the back seat of the car, and T said we such squirrels. We did what he read said to do if one saw a UFO at night, and we followed through with the plan and then, when what we ostensibly were hoping for happened ... well, we fell apart. We just sat there in the dark afraid to turn on anything, it felt like a really long time and then T finally started up the engine and drove with no headlights on that unlit winding road for a really long time as we could see activity in the sky from the lights, coming over our way. I guess they lost interest or we ditched them or something, and I recall being so happy to see Utica, even though it was dead asleep. Thank you for your time. May I add that T's father was a prominent scientist and he has a lot of knowledge. All we could see were the red lights, we could not see craft.

Posted 2023-09-10

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