NUFORC UFO Sighting 177269

Occurred: 2014-11-27 23:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-07-29 13:55 Pacific
Duration: 2hrs plus
No of observers: 1

Location: East Billerica, MA, USA
Location details: Francesca way near reservation land and high tension wires..but not related to that ..

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Three lights darting in an unnatural manner for long period of time!

For a small while I looked at my mother's in East Billerica on Francesco Way. That is located in the governor's neighborhood adjacent to the high tension wires and reservation land as well as elementary school , shawsheen River.
My bedroom was in the basement so the back door of the house had a little stoop. I would sit out there and chill out by myself with the fire pit nearby, even during the winter wrapped up in a blanket.. although I can't remember exactly the date, I know it was cold and I remember sitting outside with gloves and a blanket wrapped around myself. At that time our family was going through a lot so I actually sat on that stoop night after night month after month for quite some time.. especially after long days of work. As I was sitting there one evening playing some games on my phone. I'm looking up in the sky and I see these three lights. They weren't super close or super far from each other. They were kind of traveling like a tripod at first. Then one of them would dart up and off to the right, the other would dart off to the left, the other one would go straight up or down or wherever it wanted.. was no stationary place for these to be darling so differently across from each other and around to know it was not attached to anything specific. I know this may sound silly, but I do feel like as humans, We are chosen specifically from what you hear with other encounters and people making claims of being abducted and such. It almost felt like it was my own personal little light show! I've always felt like this world was a little much for me, but I'm resilient and never give up.. something about sitting there that night and seeing those things starting around the way that they were for well over 2 hours. I did record it on my phone but unfortunately I broke that phone and didn't have my phone backed up on Google the way I do today. It really bums me out that I don't have this phone or SIM card and that I wasn't able to find any of it.

But when I say this was unusual, this was really unusual. I feel like I have seen it one other time in my life when I was younger but I can't really place it too much but this this I remember I remember it clear as day and my mid 30s sitting there like I normally do and just seeing these lights dance over what seemed like the Kennedy elementary or even shawsheen River.. where I was sitting would be parallel to Andover road facing tewksbury. I've looked at some of the reports and have found two that seemed very very similar around that time or within 2015 to 2016. Had a known about this a long time ago. I would have reported it then! They were way too high up in the sky for me to have any idea of the shape of each individual lit up. Almost star like but bigger and obviously doing things at stars, Don't do ...not even shooting stars lol
I remember telling my brother all about it too and part of me feels like I showed him but I feel like it was the next night. I was telling him all about it. I'm going to have to ask him!

Either way, I've been dying to share the story!

Posted 2023-09-10

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