NUFORC UFO Sighting 177220

Occurred: 2022-12-14 21:04 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-07-30 21:09 Pacific
Duration: 10-15mins
No of observers: 2

Location: Lake Milton (outside of Youngstown), OH, USA
Location details: Lakers Store immediately off of RT76 above freeway exit

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Color, Made a sound

Was using payphone to tell sister gonna be late w car and it appeared over exit ramp, my friend witnessed as well as everyone on 76

I stopped to use the pay phone to let my sister know that we were lost and going to be late with her car and then it suddenly appeared, it was just there, one second it wasn't but the next, it was! There was no seeing it come and go, almost as if it came out of an invisible black hole! so I asked my friend if she saw it (my sister got mad& assumed I was drinking) and we just watched it sit there hovering but the trees barely made a movement, it made a soothing humming sound, it was very graceful, the lights glowed one by one, all in order now that I look back it's funny that I didn't try to look in the windshield to see what was in it but that was the last thing on my mind for some reason we weren't scared it was actually relaxing and didn't pose any threat whatsoever. When we left and got back on the freeway there were semis pulled over and cars pulled over and everyone was staring up in awe! I know what I saw It was a mass sighting, police in a few different jurisdictions also reported it. The next morning my sister said "what did you say about a UFO"? Because it was on the news.
I'm a horrible artist I will include a few pictures that I saw on your website that looks very similar, eerily similar!!!

Posted 2023-09-10

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