NUFORC UFO Sighting 181509

Occurred: 2024-04-12 21:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2024-05-14 17:24 Pacific
Duration: 45 seconds
No of observers: 3 - Military

Location: Navarre, FL, USA
Location details: 65-75 degree view to the south of home

Shape: Triangle
Color: translucent
Estimated Size: 747
Viewed From: Aircraft
Direction from Viewer: South of our location
Angle of Elevation: 65
Closest Distance: 1000-5000 feet
Estimated Speed: 0-? Not moving then fast

Craft was seen over overhead with a triangle shape. Seems to be camouflaged

While hanging out on a Friday evening, about 2000-2100 hrs, my friend and Wife were at my residence. He spotted something odd in the sky and told me to look over it. I looked over and saw a strange outline in the sky. At this point, the craft seemed to start moving from east to west while we faced south and our backs were to the north. Due to it being night, the craft could have been as big a passenger Air Craft traveling 2-5 thousand feet in elevation. However, if it was higher than that, it would mean the craft was significantly larger than this. Said craft was not generating any noise. There were no other aircraft in the sky during this time. Being in the military I have seen many craft. I have been on and around military installations for over 30 years and have never seen anything. The best way to describe the craft would be as if it had some cloak on it that bends light around it because you could see stars through it; however, they were distorted as the craft moved, and the leading edge would become apparent. As the craft moved southwest, it appeared to stop. However, at the same time, it became smaller and smaller. I would deduct that this means it was gaining altitude. However, it still didn't make any noise or leave any trails in its wake.


Corroboration of report 181169

Posted 2024-05-24

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