NUFORC UFO Sighting 181376

Occurred: 2024-04-15 11:49 Local
Reported: 2024-05-03 13:28 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Zephyrhills, FL, USA
Location details: Meadow Pointe Blvd. & Five Farms Ave.

Shape: Other
Color: Black
Estimated Size: 100 feet wide
Viewed From: Aircraft
Direction from Viewer: North-west
Angle of Elevation: 80
Closest Distance: One-third to mile
Estimated Speed: 95+ mph (and increased)

Silent, slow with fast acceleration, low but climbed high quickly, hard to video, black, “glitchy”

Husband and wife were traveling in convertible vehicle on April 15, 2024.

Wife looked up to the sky as husband turned from SR 56 onto Meadow Pointe Blvd. heading north. Something caught wife’s eye— it was black with a unique shape— the wings were wide and “webbed”, and there appeared to be perhaps a very small protrusion in the middle like a ‘head’… almost like a webbed boomerang. The craft something orange at each wing tip underside, which the wife recalls may have been painted, or could be areas for lights with an orange cover— however, there was no obvious illumination from the orange areas (or anywhere else on the object), and since it was a clear, bright morning, it may have been difficult to determine since daylight would not have cast the light in a way that the wife could determine, anyway. The object was flying very low— lower than most small aircraft that frequents the area— and was completely silent, left no contrails, and the wife recalls thinking the speed was too slow for a flying object of its size, as it seemed to be going only slightly faster than the pace as the car.

The object’s movement set itself apart from the typical characteristics that birds and common/familiar aircraft show in flight that can be understood by a layperson such as: (A) Lack of bird characteristics: No tilting/tipping of wings, no flapping of wings, no obvious shape of natural body (no legs, tail, body, head, or associated movements), no sounds (no chirping, squawking, or calls), and no general exertion and/or imbalance that birds exhibit when encountering air currents; and (B) No written logos/numbers/letters, no no windows, no visible rivets, lines, or outlines of parts, no blinking lights as seen on common aircraft, no fluctuations in movement via “tilting of wings” that can sometimes be observed in common aircraft when flying at lower speeds. Frankly, the object had the most steady movement of any flying object the wife has ever witnessed, and appeared to glide through the air as though it was on an invisible straight line “track”… wife describes it as, “most stable object and ‘effortless’ movement I have ever witnessed in flight”.

Wife took her phone out to record on Meadow Pointe Blvd., and when she looked down to view her recording the object through the phone screen she realized that her phone wasn’t picking up the object. She immediately turned her attention back to the sky, where she witnessed the aircraft “glitch” and disappear as soon as she looked at it, so she put the phone down; shocked and confused, she remarked what occurred to her husband, who answered that she probably just saw a bird. The wife looked around, and realized there were zero birds flying in the visible airspace that she could physically see and measure with her own eyes. The wife questioned in disbelief how the object could have disappeared without making noise and without visibly leaving her line of sight in any direction, especially the direction it was heading, which was the same direction as the couple— and therefore, if the object sped up on the same flight path, then the husband should have been able to witness it. Wife physically repositioned her body in the passenger seat several times to search from the open convertible in every direction for the aircraft for the next 1-2 minutes, unsuccessfully.

As husband continued north on Meadow Pointe Blvd., he turned onto Country Point Blvd., at which point the wife— still searching all directions— looked west and north-west, and upon turning onto Five Farms Ave. saw the object again. This time, the object was higher in the sky, still silent, ‘effortless and steady’, and without contrails— so she used her phone camera to again record the sky, and briefly captured the object until she could no longer see it with her naked eye. The object appeared larger when she first saw it with her eyes, but just as she started recording the second video it seemed to “glitch” smaller and travel much faster and incredibly quickly.

Due to the road design of Meadow Pointe Blvd.— which is very twisty— husband did not take his eyes off the road to view the object. Husband also a very skeptical person in general, so he did not feel compelled to look when wife encouraged him to pull over or slow down. Whereas, the wife is interested in topics that fall under “STEM”, and for the entirety of her life makes time to look up at the sky at all times of day and night, and remains “open” to all possibilities of life and scientific understanding of the natural world, technology, etc.

Upon reaching their destination, husband did note that even though he did not see anything due to his attention to driving, he also didn’t hear anything, which he admits he ‘probably would have’ if it were any of the common aircraft the couple often witness moving through their immediate local area. This unnerved the wife when she considered further that the path the object took should have brought it directly over their car and been obvious to the husband if it had not “glitched” near Meadow Pointe Blvd. Husband suggested that the first time the wife tried to record, that the object was likely a large bird— sandhill cranes, hawks, and black vultures are common in the area, and like to hang out in air currents. Similarly, military aircraft, passenger jet planes, gliders, and drones and other small ‘hobby’ aircraft frequent the area due to proximity to McDill AFB, Tampa International, St.Pete-Clearwater International, and local/county airports, and follow familiar flight paths, which are viewed and heard daily by husband and wife— and this object followed none of those paths. The couple often enjoy watching various birds and man-made aircraft from their backyard on a daily basis, and it is because husband and wife are so used to seeing natural and common aircraft in flight, that the wife is certain she is able to logically determine that whatever this object was, it was unlike anything in flight that she’s seen before, and is certain that it was not a bird or known aircraft.

Posted 2024-05-05

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