NUFORC UFO Sighting 181368

Occurred: 2024-05-03 05:14 Local
Reported: 2024-05-03 06:44 Pacific
Duration: About 16 mins
No of observers: 1

Location: Clayton, NC, USA
Location details: Right above my house in the sky like last time

Shape: Orb
Color: White
Estimated Size: They were big enough for me to see on the ground
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Right above me
Angle of Elevation: 90
Closest Distance: They were very high in the sky
Estimated Speed: Very fast, probably over 70mph (speed varied)
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Animals reacted

Multiple orbs floating in the sky moving around silently

Early morning, clear sky, good weather, crescent moon was visible too, I saw multiple white orbs, at least 8, they were all moving / floating in the sky, seemed to be able to speed up / slow down & change directions at a seconds notice. No flashing lights. The birds outside got quiet. My dog was acting weird. I felt weird. They were not planes or helicopters, they had no sound. Silent. They moved around in the sky weird, they seemed to be all going in the same direction but not following a straight line or moving straight. Some of them changed direction. I could not tell if some of them were two orbs flying very close together or just bigger orbs. They all looked like how the stars look so they must’ve been high up in the sky, but they were moving so weird and could go so fast, no trail left behind them. They could also disappear and reappear. I watched the sky for several minutes while this was going on, I didn’t see any more after 5:30 am on Friday morning May 3rd 2024. This was the most orbs I have seen at one time, usually it’s only one or two, maybe 3 max, this was a whole lot of them. The only other UAPs / UFOs I have seen was Diamond shaped. Blackish metallic weird looking Diamond shape craft with 4 blue corners several years ago ( could not tell if the corners were lights or reflective material of some kind, I saw this craft during the day time and it was much closer to me ) if I had to guess it was the size of a small car. ( but mentioning this because the Diamond was in the same location above my house and also clear weather for that sighting ) the Diamond looked like an actual physical craft, also made me feel weird and it made my iphone die, watch die, and electricity go out and wifi / internet go out. The Diamond sighting was back when I was in 8th grade, but same address, several years ago. The Diamond could also move silently, go in any direction, hold completely still in the air, and then also disappeared. The orbs were today this morning. I have seen orbs when camping before and also just during the night or early morning sometimes. When I leave for work in the early morning I do a sky check. Usually i get a weird feeling and then look up and they are in the sky moving around. I witnessed this with my own eyes, I took photo and video of orbs moving with my iPhone 8.

Posted 2024-05-05

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