NUFORC UFO Sighting 181355

Occurred: 2015-10-24 02:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2024-05-02 20:58 Pacific
Duration: 2 nights
No of observers: 3

Location: Ventura, CA, USA
Location details: East end Ventura ca

Shape: Other
Color: Purple/ Silhouette
Estimated Size: Unknow
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Facing east
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Changed Color, Made a sound, Electrical or magnetic effects

UFO sighting? In east ventura ca

Housesitting for my parents in a house that I grew up in for the weekend with my son’s mom, my newborn son, and a friend of over 15years. My buddy was always claiming to see weird shit in the sky at night/early morning So when he started up that night, couldn’t think too far into it. we 3 adults were all outside having our last cigarette for the night before we went to bed, and there were a couple of stars that he was looking at kept commenting on how odd they looked about five minutes later I looked up and saw what he was talking about… There were about five different “stars” In the sky, they were oddly bright almost as if they were closer than the rest of the other stars and were glowing with the very bright purple pulse to it. At the time I had a camera that was capable of zooming in 256x Which had an app That allows you to control the camera hands-free, as well as a tripod that I used to help capture the event (When Zooming into that high magnification, it’s almost impossible to catch anything that could be considered clear footage because even the slightest shake of the hand would throw off positioning of camera. So the app and tripod were crucial for the recording) In the video you will see me go from zero magnification to 256X multiple times to show that this was unedited, undebatable footage. What we saw blew our minds… If you throughout the night, we’ll see it moving due to the rotation, but the star was perfectly still in the same exact spot the entire night along with the other four that we weren’t able to record. I have been searching for years for footage of like until this day still seen, also there’s a section with a pick up massive feedback which was the first and last time The did that these objects were in the sky for two consecutive nights . I still visit that house from time to time and sometimes around that same time of year. I see something that slightly resembles what I saw that night, although never as bright as that night. I would’ve uploaded this footage a looong time ago but never knew about this site, or I would have

Posted 2024-05-05

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